Saturday, June 20

UP member Faizur Rahman dies at Kanaighat

Own reporter: Veteran Murabbi Faizur Rahman, a repeatedly elected UP member of Ward 7 of Kanaighat Sadar Union Parishad, is no more. Birdal died at his home in Bhararifaud village at 5 pm on Saturday due to old age. Innanillahi .......... Raziun. He was 72 years old at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters.

According to family sources, his janaza prayers will be held at the local Birdal NM Academy ground at 10 am on Sunday. It has been reported that Faizur Rahman was a popular UP member. He was elected UP member of 6th ward of Kanaighat Sadar Union 5 times in a row. He was a member of UP till his death.

When the news of the death of UP member Faizur Rahman spread in the area, dignitaries including Sadar UP Chairman Mamun Rashid rushed to the house to see him. They provide comfort to family members. UP Chairman Mamun Rashid said Faizur Rahman was not just a people's representative. He was a wise old rabbi of Sadar Union.

As an honest people's representative, he was elected UP member of 6th ward 5 times in a row. As a senior member of the council, I received advice from him at various times. All the members of the Union Parishad are mourning his death.

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