Saturday, June 13

At Kanaighat, 21 people recovered from Corona

In Kanaighat upazila, a total of 21 people, including 18 new ones, have reported negative corona test again. They are- Assistant Medical Officer of Upazila Health Complex Dr. Utpallendu Biswas, Jamal Uddin (35), Ahmed (55), Abdus Salam (65), Mizan (18), Zakir Ahmed (25), Deep Chowdhury (25), Sakhawat Hossain (20) and Ajit Das (employees) of Chhotades village of the health complex. 30), Sultan Ahmed (25), Mithu Das (26), Abul Kalam (26), Jubayer Ahmed (24), Abdul Khalik (60), Abdullah (18), Mamun Rashid (26), Jubel Ahmed (24).

শেয়ার করুন


পাঠকের মতামতের জন্য কানাইঘাট নিউজ কর্তৃপক্ষ দায়ী নয়